Look around you and notice that we are surrounded by stories. Brand, company, product, people and life stories surround us daily. The most memorable and ‘sticky’ stories have emotional fuel. It is this ‘fuel’ that moves the listener/reader to take action, think a certain way, or inspire a movement.
When global trust in corporates, governments and media is at an all-time low, it is the job of leaders and brands to engage with authentic stories, with all their messaging. Stories attract, Stories that sell, convert !
When we stop selling and telling, and instead start sharing and listening, we can magnetise and show our true value in the market.
In this engaging session you’ll discover:
- A proven framework to structure stories that sell at every touch point.
- Insider tips on buyer psychology and how to apply the emotional triggers.
- The game-changing disruptors in the sales timeline, and how to navigate them.
- Hooks to grab attention in 3 seconds